Just found some more from Amazon, so I thought I'd share. Enjoy!!
Santa, Honey by Sandra Hill, Joy Nash and Kate Angell
Science Fiction
I've previously listed Star Wars 1-3, and these just became available.
Star Wars: Savior: Lost Tribe of the Sith 4 by John Jackson Miller
Star Wars: Purgatory: Lost Tribe of the Sith 5 by John Jackson Miller
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Awesome TV: Leverage
So for the last couple of months I've been dealing with a herniated disc in my back. This has left me unable to do much when I get home from a very long day at work, so what I have been doing is reading more, and watching movies and TV more.
But because I hate commercials I avoid actual TV, or if it's a current show that I'm watching (like Modern Family which I love, or NCIS and Supernatural which I love and am already caught up on) I DVR them so I can fast-forward through the stuff I don't want to see.
And yet, still, I have a lot of time on my hands. So I started watching TV shows I hadn't seen before. I've found some good ones, some okay ones, and some that were just plain awful. But there is one that is by far above and beyond the rest.
I know, I know - this is a book blog...mostly. But I just have to share.
This was recommended to me by a friend, and I can't stop raving about it! I started getting it from Netflix and ended up loving it so much I went out and bought both seasons. Already I've gotten a lot of use out of them.
Leverage is kind of a Robin Hood story. Five thieves team up to help the innocent and powerless against the rich and powerful. Each week they run an elaborate con to accomplish their goals. When I first started talking about this I likened it to Ocean's Eleven, and I'd still say that likeness is there, but it's so much more too.
There is not one thing lacking in this show. There's action, intrigue, adventure, humor, and fabulous characters. Seeing the corrupt, greedy and powerful corporations and people get their just desserts is truly a pleasure. The way the team does it often makes me grin and I spend a good portion of the show trying to figure out how the con is going to work, or when things start to go wrong - how they're going to get out of the mess they're in.
A truly wonderful cast brings this show to life though. There's Timothy Hutton staring as Nate Ford, a former insurance investigator. He was one of the 'good guys', working to get back stolen or lost property so the insurance company didn't have to pay the claims. But then something happens, and suddenly things aren't so black and white anymore. He's the mastermind behind the cons. He knows all of his team's strengths and weaknesses and has the knowledge, and guts, to bring it all together.
Then there's Sophie Devereaux, played by the fabulous Gina Bellman. She's the Grifter, and as she said in one episode, when things are going right the mark just hands over whatever it is she's trying to take. Gina has a real gift for accents and truly does a great job as Sophie. I'm always excited to see what she's going to pull off next.
Next is Alec Hardison, played by Aldis Hodge. He's the Hacker. And if it involves computers you can count of Hardison to get the job done...and then some. He's totally easy going, and has a wonderfully dry wit.
Eliot Spencer is the Hitter, played by Christian Kane. Self-described as a 'retrieval specialist' Eliot is a highly skilled fighter and weapons expert. Often his job is to protect the team, though he also has a vastly underestimated intelligence. While highly skilled with firearms Eliot doesn't like them because of their 'limited range of effectiveness' and spends a good deal of time disarming his opponents before taking them down.
Lastly, but most definitely not least, is Parker played by Beth Riesgraf. She's the straight up Thief of the group. Parker grew up in the system and doesn't have a lot of people skills. She doesn't know how to relate to others and that causes her some problems. But give her an impossible location to break into and she can crack it like no one else. She's the world's best thief. She'll jump off a building and suspend on a rope forty stories off the ground, do acrobatics to get past laser grids, and be gone before you even knew she was there.
What I didn't mention is the great relationships that build between each of these characters. Sometimes you have a cast that while great separately, doesn't work well together. Not so here. Not only is there plenty of action and intrigue there's a ton of emotion and heart in this show. I can't recommend it enough!
Leverage starts again on December 12th on TNT at 9pm/8pm Central
What are some of your favorite television shows? Have you found any new ones lately that you're just absolutely loving? Is there anything else I should be checking out?
But because I hate commercials I avoid actual TV, or if it's a current show that I'm watching (like Modern Family which I love, or NCIS and Supernatural which I love and am already caught up on) I DVR them so I can fast-forward through the stuff I don't want to see.
And yet, still, I have a lot of time on my hands. So I started watching TV shows I hadn't seen before. I've found some good ones, some okay ones, and some that were just plain awful. But there is one that is by far above and beyond the rest.
I know, I know - this is a book blog...mostly. But I just have to share.
This was recommended to me by a friend, and I can't stop raving about it! I started getting it from Netflix and ended up loving it so much I went out and bought both seasons. Already I've gotten a lot of use out of them.
Leverage is kind of a Robin Hood story. Five thieves team up to help the innocent and powerless against the rich and powerful. Each week they run an elaborate con to accomplish their goals. When I first started talking about this I likened it to Ocean's Eleven, and I'd still say that likeness is there, but it's so much more too.
There is not one thing lacking in this show. There's action, intrigue, adventure, humor, and fabulous characters. Seeing the corrupt, greedy and powerful corporations and people get their just desserts is truly a pleasure. The way the team does it often makes me grin and I spend a good portion of the show trying to figure out how the con is going to work, or when things start to go wrong - how they're going to get out of the mess they're in.
A truly wonderful cast brings this show to life though. There's Timothy Hutton staring as Nate Ford, a former insurance investigator. He was one of the 'good guys', working to get back stolen or lost property so the insurance company didn't have to pay the claims. But then something happens, and suddenly things aren't so black and white anymore. He's the mastermind behind the cons. He knows all of his team's strengths and weaknesses and has the knowledge, and guts, to bring it all together.
Then there's Sophie Devereaux, played by the fabulous Gina Bellman. She's the Grifter, and as she said in one episode, when things are going right the mark just hands over whatever it is she's trying to take. Gina has a real gift for accents and truly does a great job as Sophie. I'm always excited to see what she's going to pull off next.
Next is Alec Hardison, played by Aldis Hodge. He's the Hacker. And if it involves computers you can count of Hardison to get the job done...and then some. He's totally easy going, and has a wonderfully dry wit.
Eliot Spencer is the Hitter, played by Christian Kane. Self-described as a 'retrieval specialist' Eliot is a highly skilled fighter and weapons expert. Often his job is to protect the team, though he also has a vastly underestimated intelligence. While highly skilled with firearms Eliot doesn't like them because of their 'limited range of effectiveness' and spends a good deal of time disarming his opponents before taking them down.
Lastly, but most definitely not least, is Parker played by Beth Riesgraf. She's the straight up Thief of the group. Parker grew up in the system and doesn't have a lot of people skills. She doesn't know how to relate to others and that causes her some problems. But give her an impossible location to break into and she can crack it like no one else. She's the world's best thief. She'll jump off a building and suspend on a rope forty stories off the ground, do acrobatics to get past laser grids, and be gone before you even knew she was there.
What I didn't mention is the great relationships that build between each of these characters. Sometimes you have a cast that while great separately, doesn't work well together. Not so here. Not only is there plenty of action and intrigue there's a ton of emotion and heart in this show. I can't recommend it enough!
Leverage starts again on December 12th on TNT at 9pm/8pm Central
What are some of your favorite television shows? Have you found any new ones lately that you're just absolutely loving? Is there anything else I should be checking out?
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Free eBooks 17
I have to apologize for not being around much lately. I've been dealing with some stuff, but wanted to pop on and give you guys some links to newly-free ebooks ;)
Kobo Books free ebooks.
Borders free ebooks
And Barnes and Noble Free ebooks
All Romance Free eBooks
Contemporary Romance
My Christmas Wish by Ember Case (Samhain Publishing)
Snowy Night Seduction by Arianna Hart (samhain Publishing)
Holiday Bound by Beth Kery (Samhain Publishing)
Slow Ride (Rough Riders 9.5) by Lorelei James (Samhain Publishing)
Twas the Night by Sandra Hill, Kate Holmes and Trish Jensen
Paranormal Romance
Pack Challenge (Magnus Pack 1) by Shelley Laurenston (Samhain Publishing)
M/M Romance
The Dickens With Love by Josh Lanyon (Samhain Publishing)
Get Some by Daniel Birch
Serial by Jack Kilborn
Historical Adventure
Whirl of the Wheel by Catherine Condie
Avempartha (Riyria Revelations 2) by Michael J. Sullivan
Not Sure Where to Categorize
Michael Tolliver Lives by Armistead Maupin
Crossing the Line by Stephen Jay Schwartz (pre-order)
Boob Tube by Mark Coker and Lesleyann Coker
Stupid History: Tales of Stupidity, Strangeness, and Mythconceptions Throughout the Ages by Leland Gregory
Kobo Books free ebooks.
Borders free ebooks
And Barnes and Noble Free ebooks
All Romance Free eBooks
Contemporary Romance
My Christmas Wish by Ember Case (Samhain Publishing)
Snowy Night Seduction by Arianna Hart (samhain Publishing)
Holiday Bound by Beth Kery (Samhain Publishing)
Slow Ride (Rough Riders 9.5) by Lorelei James (Samhain Publishing)
Twas the Night by Sandra Hill, Kate Holmes and Trish Jensen
Paranormal Romance
Pack Challenge (Magnus Pack 1) by Shelley Laurenston (Samhain Publishing)
M/M Romance
The Dickens With Love by Josh Lanyon (Samhain Publishing)
Get Some by Daniel Birch
Serial by Jack Kilborn
Historical Adventure
Whirl of the Wheel by Catherine Condie
Avempartha (Riyria Revelations 2) by Michael J. Sullivan
Not Sure Where to Categorize
Michael Tolliver Lives by Armistead Maupin
Crossing the Line by Stephen Jay Schwartz (pre-order)
Boob Tube by Mark Coker and Lesleyann Coker
Stupid History: Tales of Stupidity, Strangeness, and Mythconceptions Throughout the Ages by Leland Gregory
All Romance,
Barnes and Noble,
Friday, November 12, 2010
November 12 2010 Blog Hop Follow Friday Tag Along
Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jennifer at Crazy-For-Books.
About the Hop: In the spirit of the Twitter Friday Follow, the Book Blogger Hop is a place just for book bloggers and readers to connect and share our love of the written word! This weekly BOOK PARTY is an awesome opportunity for book bloggers to connect with other book lovers, make new friends, support each other, and generally just share our love of books! It will also give blog readers a chance to find other book blogs to read!
This weeks question is: "If you find a book that looks interesting but is part of a series, do you always start with the first title?"
99.9% of the time, Yes. I just...have to. I need the history, the background, the buildup. There are series that can be read out of order, without any loss to the story, but I've always found that the investment I have in them is greater when I start at the beginning.
However, this sometimes works against me too. Because I'll start at the beginning and the book ends up not being very good and I never get to the fifth book in the series that I wanted to read in the first place.
I can only think of one series that I've read out of order, and that was by complete accident. Most of the time I research a book before I buy it - I love internet on my phone. LOL

Follow Friday is hosted at Parajunkee's View.
Her question this week is: What is your usual monthly book budget?
Um. I don't have one. I actually try not to think about what I spend on books. And some months are heavier than others. Honestly, I have no idea what I even spend on books a month - I make sure I have the money to buy what's coming out that particular week, or pay-period, and then I buy them. I think if I looked at actual dollars spent I'd be afraid.
I actually had a person at Borders the other day try to tell me how much I'd spent there this year already, and I told them I didn't want to know. We both laughed over that. I try to keep my spending reasonable.
Though I am trying to get myself onto a budget plan, but more of a budget of read vs. bought. So, this is my goal - for every two books I read, I can buy one new one. *nods* We'll see how well this works...
Calling all 18 and over book bloggers, are you looking for more bloggers like yourself? Well please join in so we can tag along with each other. This is for a specific group and your blog needs to primarily have book reviews and post adult book content. In other words, if you read books like erotic and adult romance and have adult pic, then you can play tag along. Sorry YA readers, but if you read both (I know some of you do) you can tag along also. Just make sure you have both YA and adult romance on your blog.
It doesn't matter what you read if it’s paranormal, suspense, historical, contemporary or mystery, along with erotic with any genre. As long as it is adult then you’re in.
To join in the fun and get details click here. This tag along is hosted by Laurie at Bitten by Paranormal Romance.
If you have an adult book blog, please sign up for this tag along. There are others including myself that are looking for you so please join us.
New this week:
Review: Play of Passion by Nalini Singh
Review: Scoundrel by Zoë Archer
Free ebooks 16 I found a great site with free ebooks, so check this post out!
Right now I'm reading Bayou Moon by Ilona Andrews, second in her Edge series. It took me a bit to get into, but the pacing picked up and the chemistry is intense! I'm really enjoying it and hope to have a review up this weekend.
What are you reading and loving this week? Or not loving, because I know I don't love everything I read.
18 and Over,
Book Blogger Hop,
Follow Friday,
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Review: Scoundrel by Zoe Archer
Title: Scoundrel
Author: Zoë Archer
Series: Blades of the Rose 2
Genre: Historical Paranormal Adventure Romance
Release Date: 1 October 2010
Bennett Day has never denied being a scoundrel. He loves women. Every single one he's ever been with. He has no expectations of them, and they none of him - except that he's sure to leave. He's spent a good portion of his life traveling the world to protect ancient sources of magic for the Blades. His quick mind solves puzzles, breaks codes and unravels riddles with ease. But in Greece he meets the woman that may take more time than he usually commits to learn...
London Harcourt has been brought to Greece in order to decipher an ancient language for her father. After years of being subjugated to her father's will London Harcourt welcomes the chance to travel and earn respect for her knowledge of languages. Brought to the Greek isles and told only that she's to decipher an ancient language for the good of England, she has no idea that her father is part of the Heirs that would dominate the rest of the world under their rule.
A chance meeting brings them together and London soon learns the truth, of the Heirs, including her father, the Blades and their mission, and of the man she's wildly attracted to. Bennett, who not only respects her quick mind, but encourages and stimulates her, and is connected to her in unimaginable ways. Now she must choose between family and her own sense of right and wrong. Between a stifled life full of lies and a future filled with truth and a chance of love.
Racing across the waters of the Aegean, Bennett and London strive to save the Source as each realizes that not only are their lives in danger...but their very hearts...
Having previously read Warrior, the first Blades of the Rose book, I was greatly looking forward to Bennett's book. His absolute joy for life was infectious and I couldn't wait for an entire book devoted to him. Bennett is a man who loves freely, and openly, but never deeply. Brave, without a doubt, he strides into situations almost without fear. He constantly made me smile because he was usually smiling. He just embraces life and I couldn't help but love that.
London has always yearned for a life of more, but that wasn't something she was likely to get back in England. A casual stroll takes her through a market in Greece where she firsts meets Bennett. The chemistry between them is instantaneous and flares bright. It was really fun to see her bloom out in the world as she fought side by side with Bennett. She has such an open heart, and a strong sense of fairness and rightness that it's easy to respect her. And it was equally easy to see why Bennett fell in love with her.
The growth of their relationship is by far my most favorite part of the novel. While the search for the Source pulls the story along, it's London and Bennett that are the heart and soul of Scoundrel
Bennett and London unravel languages and riddles throughout their action-packed journey through the waters of Greece. The story is well paced and flows nicely from the flurry of activity to more thoughtful contemplation. While I really liked Warrior, I thought this was a much better plotted book. It pulled me through and made me want to keep reading. I really loved the backdrop of Greece and her mythology. It's so fun to travel to these different places with the Blades, from what we normally see in historical novels.
Next up is Rebel, which thankfully I bought this past week so I can dive right in. Though each book very strongly stands on it's own, I think that you definitely get more of a sense of the world if you read them in order and Warrior is assuredly worth picking up.
All in all, Scoundrel is a heart-filled, fast-paced, thrilling addition to the wildly imaginative world of the Blades of the Rose.
Grade: A-
Book Link | Amazon | Kindle | nook | kobo | Borders eBook | Sony | Book Depository | Zebra
Free eBooks 16
Kobo Books free ebooks.
Borders free ebooks
And Barnes and Noble Free ebooks
Also, I just found this site and haven't had the chance to look around much, but it seems there are quite a few ebooks availabilt for free: All Romance
Crush (Karen Vail 2) by Alan Jacobson - If you've been following my free ebooks posts, you've now been able to get all three Karen Vail books for free ;)
Historical Paranormal Romance
A Certain Wolfish Charm by Lydia Dare
Borders free ebooks
And Barnes and Noble Free ebooks
Also, I just found this site and haven't had the chance to look around much, but it seems there are quite a few ebooks availabilt for free: All Romance
Crush (Karen Vail 2) by Alan Jacobson - If you've been following my free ebooks posts, you've now been able to get all three Karen Vail books for free ;)
Historical Paranormal Romance
A Certain Wolfish Charm by Lydia Dare
All Romance,
Barnes and Noble,
Friday, November 5, 2010
Review: Play of Passion by Nalini Singh
Title: Play of Passion
Author: Nalini Singh
Series: Psy/Changeling 9
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: 2 November 2010
If you haven’t read the first eight books in this series, first – What are you waiting for? Rush out and buy them. You won’t be disappointed. Seriously. Secondly – there are going to be spoilers for the first eight books below. Not many, but I highly recommend you stop reading here and go pick up the first book. You can thank me later. *wink*
Drew Kincaid is well used to long, difficult hunts as the pack tracker – responsible for reining in wolves that go rogue, giving in to their animal halves. Doing everything he can to save them and bring them back, before making that impossible choice to kill them – for the good of the Pack. But nothing has prepared him for the challenge he faces to win the heart of the one woman that he’s wanted for so long.
Lieutenant Indigo Riviere is comfortable in her own skin as a dominate female, and has very specific ideas about the kind of male she should mate with. With a dreary example of what happens when a female mates with a less dominant wolf, she’s surprised – and worried – when her attraction is to the most playful wolf in the pack. Her mind tells her to stop this, before it burns them both up and destroys the Pack by creating havoc in the hierarchy, but her heart starts to tell her different. And she never counted on Drew’s perseverance, or his charm.
With the world ready to explode around them, Drew and Indigo find themselves playing a wickedly, hot game with each other. As the stakes grow, and their home is stalked, can they find a way to overcome everything threatening to keep them apart and save the pack too?
Passions collide in the intensely satisfying Play of Passion. If you’ve read any of my other reviews of Nalini Singh it’s probably easy to tell that I’m a huge fan. And if you haven’t, here’s my disclaimer: I am a definite fan-girl for Ms. Singh. Play of Passion did nothing to change that status. In fact, as I went into the book not knowing what to expect with the first wolf/wolf pairing, she blew me away!
Drew is wickedly sensual, playful, and charming. Yet at the same time, he’s most definitely a dominant, smart, observant, loyal and beyond stubborn. All of these things come together to make one deliciously perfect male. Quite simply, Drew charmed me. Every step he took towards Indigo just made my heart sigh for him.
It was awesome to see another dominant female, and the differences, after Mercy’s book Branded by Fire. Indigo is definitely her own woman, and with insecurities that she doesn’t even really realize she allows to affect her, she definitely touched my heart. Strong and more than capable, she’s also full of love to give, and affectionate with those she trusts and cares about. Which always included Drew. But when he suddenly ratchets it up to the next level, Indigo is put off balance and struggles to regain it.
Drew isn’t about to let her find it though, until she finds herself in his arms.
Beyond their romance, which is definitely the heart of the book, there are so many things that I loved about Play of Passion. Even while Drew and Indigo are dancing around, and with, each other, they both have the best interests of the Snow Dancer pack at heart. And when threats come, from both outside the den and in, they fight for what’s theirs. The danger coming from inside the pack isn’t the same as it was in Caressed by Ice. But it is just as important. Some of the juveniles are coming close to losing control of their wolves, and I loved seeing how Hawke, Drew and Indigo decided to handle this. How the realities of keeping the pack healthy was shown so clearly.
While they take steps to make sure they’re helping those that need it within, they’ve also got the threat of the Psy trespassing into their lands. And it’s obvious that the Psy have something awful planned. As everyone struggles to put together the puzzle pieces, allowing us to see more of Dorian, Brenna, and Judd, the risks get higher. I especially loved seeing more of Judd as he’s one of my favorites. Seeing him continue his work with the Ghost, and continue in his duties as a Lieutenant for Snow Dancer was a welcome glimpse into his and Brenna’s continuing life.
If you’ve been reading since the beginning of the series, you surely know that the tensions between the Psy and the Changelings and Humans have been skyrocketing, especially lately. There’s no let up on that front in the explosively charged Play of Passion. There’s a bit of a cliff-hanger at the end about this, and it’s left me on edge for the next book in the series, which just happens to be Hawke’s – who I’ve been waiting for ever since Slave to Sensation, book one.
I can’t end this review without mentioning Hawke. He plays an integral part in this book as the leader of Snow Dancer and I was ecstatic to see more of him. I’ve long speculated, as have many others, that his mate is going to be Sienna Laurens. The scenes between them, so restrained and short in Play of Passion and yet they fairly ignited the pages with their chemistry. I. Can. Not. Wait. for their book.
Immediately upon finishing Play of Passion, which made me laugh out loud and tear up, I said: “The only thing wrong with this book is that I have to wait seven months for Hawke’s.” A few days after finishing it, I can safely say that sentiment is still true. Ms. Singh continues to get better and better and I can’t wait to see where she goes next!
Grade: A
Book Link | Amazon | Kindle | nook | kobo | Sony | Book Depository | Berkley
November 5 2010 Blog Hop Follow Friday Tag Along
Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jennifer at Crazy-For-Books.
About the Hop: In the spirit of the Twitter Friday Follow, the Book Blogger Hop is a place just for book bloggers and readers to connect and share our love of the written word! This weekly BOOK PARTY is an awesome opportunity for book bloggers to connect with other book lovers, make new friends, support each other, and generally just share our love of books! It will also give blog readers a chance to find other book blogs to read!
This weeks question is: What are your feelings on losing followers? Have you ever stopped following a blog?
Hmm. Good question. I've never really thought about it. I guess my feeling is that everyone should pay attention to what works for them. If the stuff I have here doesn't work for someone, or they aren't enjoying my blog, then I don't want them to feel like they have to continue to follow me for whatever reason.

Follow Friday is hosted at Parajunkee's View.
Her question this week is: Who are your favorite authors??
Oh, the list goes on and on. Let's see. J.R. Ward, Nalini Singh, Karen Marie Moning, Meljean Brook, Lynn Kurland, J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K. Rowling, Jeaniene Frost, Patricia Briggs, Kresley Cole, Jennifer Armintrout...I think I'll stop there. That's the top of the list.
There's a ton more that are just slightly below those, and/or that I love sporadically (some of their books, usually more recent, just don't work for me).
Calling all 18 and over book bloggers, are you looking for more bloggers like yourself? Well please join in so we can tag along with each other. This is for a specific group and your blog needs to primarily have book reviews and post adult book content. In other words, if you read books like erotic and adult romance and have adult pic, then you can play tag along. Sorry YA readers, but if you read both (I know some of you do) you can tag along also. Just make sure you have both YA and adult romance on your blog.
It doesn't matter what you read if it’s paranormal, suspense, historical, contemporary or mystery, along with erotic with any genre. As long as it is adult then you’re in.
To join in the fun and get details click here. This tag along is hosted by Laurie at Bitten by Paranormal Romance.
If you have an adult book blog, please sign up for this tag along. There are others including myself that are looking for you so please join us.
New this week
Free eBooks 14
Review: The Taste of Magick by Riley Shane
Free eBooks 15
It's been a bit of a slow week for me here with real life intruding and demanding a bit more. I expect to have two reviews up this weekend, one for Play of Passion by Nalini Singh, and one for Scoundrel by Zoë Archer. I've also been thinking about adding some film/tv reviews as I get stuff from my Netflix queue, so you might see one of those soon.
How's the week been for you all? What are you reading and loving right now?
18 and Over,
Book Blogger Hop,
Follow Friday,
Monday, November 1, 2010
Free eBooks 15
Kobo Books free ebooks.
Borders free ebooks
And Barnes and Noble Free ebooks
Amazon Free
Not Sure Where to Categorize
One Hit Wonder by Charlie Carillo
Paranormal Romance
The Matchmakers by Jennifer Colgan (Samhain Publishing)
Just a couple new ones, though there are still quite a few from my previous lists still available for free. Enjoy!
Borders free ebooks
And Barnes and Noble Free ebooks
Amazon Free
Not Sure Where to Categorize
One Hit Wonder by Charlie Carillo
Paranormal Romance
The Matchmakers by Jennifer Colgan (Samhain Publishing)
Just a couple new ones, though there are still quite a few from my previous lists still available for free. Enjoy!
Barnes and Noble,
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