Currently I'm doing a re-read of the first book, Darkfever, in which MacKayla Lane (Mac) discovers that life isn't as easy and pink as she thought it was. Mac is a southern girl, who spends her days lounging by a pool trying to decide which color pink to paint her nails. Until she gets the call that her sister, Alina, has been murdered while studying abroad in Ireland.
As Mac puts it, her life is divided by this call, this line of demarcation, into the time before the call, when Alina was alive and the world was normal, and the time after the call, when everything she knew was wrong.
When I first picked up this book in November of 2006, I remember thinking that it looked like an interesting premise, set in one of my favorite countries in the world. Little did I know that I was in for a years long ride, waiting, biting nails, speculating, and ultimately left wondering what was going to happen next.
I've loved this series since I opened it. From the first chapter on. It's written in first person point-of-view, and Mac's voice is compelling to me. Seeing everything unfold through her eyes is, I think, the best way to experience this story. You learn, and question, and make mistakes right along with her. And then you learn from those mistakes.
I like that there's not always a good option. But sometimes Mac just has to take the best one available to her at the time. It may cause trouble later down the road, but it's really the only way at the time.
And I absolutely love Jericho Barrons. When Mac first meets him in Barrons Books and Baubles he's an immediately compelling character. You don't quite know if he falls on the side of good or not. Or if he's there to help Mac or not.
He's an enigma. Too many secrets, too much learned, and yet not nearly enough. Two and a half years later, and I still sit here speculating, thinking, and wondering about him.
And then there's V'lane. Prince of the Fae. Telling Mac he's there to help her. And everytime he sees her, she desires him so much that she strips on the spot. Because that's his nature. Incredibly hot. But is he helping Mac, or serving his own interests.
The story is compelling, interesting, and pulls you through all the twists and turns of Mac's journey to find her sister's killer and everything else going on that Mac had no idea about. Barrons calls her a lamb in a city of wolves. Can she survive long enough to do what she swore to do?
I've started a re-read on the series. Looking for the little tid-bits that might be clues, looking for things that are defintiely questions I hope to have answered, and just for the pure joy of reading the story.
The first book is Darkfever, then Bloodfever, and Faefever. All of these are released. Coming up is Dreamfever (August 25th 2009) and Shadowfever, which should be the final book in the series.