Showing posts with label Gunmetal Magic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gunmetal Magic. Show all posts

Monday, October 5, 2015

Review: Gunmetal Magic by Ilona Andrews

Title: Gunmetal Magic
Author: Ilona Andrews
Series: Kate Daniels, Book 5.5
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Release Date: 31 July 2012

After eviction from the Knights of Merciful Aid, Andrea is a wreck. She starts work for best pal PI Kate Daniels. Shapeshifters under Raphael Medrano — Clan Bouda male alpha, Andrea’s ex-lover — die suddenly at a dig site. With Raphael, she seeks killer in deep dark Atlanta. Her feelings for him may take a back seat to saving the world...

Bonus: Kate Daniels novella "Magic Gifts"

Okay, here's the thing: I don't love Andrea. I know there are a lot of people out there that do, but I just don't. I also don't love Raphael. I never had prior to this book. They're both spoiled, think little of others, and whine when things don't go their way. Meh. I'm not into it.

That being said, by the end of Gunmetal Magic, even if I still don't LOVE them (like I LOVE Kate), I like them - although truth be told, I think it's because the drama between them is over now. At least I hope it is. Please gods, let it be over.

Anyway. So, with the fact of not loving Andrea and Raphael, I wasn't expecting to enjoy the romance, but I actually did. When the two of them decided to stop hurting each other purposely (which didn't do a lot to endear them to me), and get out of their own way - they found their HEA. I'm glad they did. They're actually better together than they are apart - truly. I like them much better as a couple than I ever did them individually. And while I also think that Kate and Curran are better together than apart, it's for different reasons. Kate and Curran are perfectly awesome, capable, GOOD people. They're whole and able to function without each other. They're not as happy as they deserve to be, and they are definitely stronger together, but if they had never gotten together they'd still be the kick-ass people they always were. Andrea and Raphael, on the other hand, seem to need each other to truly complete themselves. They're not whole, strong, good people without the other to balance them out. So, I'm glad they're together now.

The best part of this book is the plot and mythology. I was completely fascinated with it, and love that Ilona Andrews continues to bring amazing mythologies to play in their series.

And the saving grace here? Roman. I adore Roman. Black volhv. Eeyore-pajama-wearing. Geek. Former Army Ranger. He's funny (somewhat surprisingly), good-natured, powerful, and kick-ass. I definitely want more. A lot more.

It's always fun to see Kate and Curran from different points of view, and this was no exception. Make sure to check out exactly what Kate's up to during most of this book in the novella "Magic Gifts", which is at the end of Gunmetal Magic. It should really be read prior to Gunmetal Magic, though you're not really missing out on anything if you read it after, I suppose.

So, good plot, better than expected romance, and some favorite characters really shining. I'm happy with this story in the series.

I still need more Roman, though. Can someone make that happen?

Grade: B

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