Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Thursday Thirteen Edition Two
Thirteen Places I Want To See
1. Egypt ~ For as long as I can remember I've had this intense desire to see the pyramids, and ancient cites sitting near the bottom of the Nile. My best friend in grade school was from Egypt and I'm sure this fueled my desire. But I can think of nothing more great than seeing the history of a civilization that was able to construct such great monuments.
2. Ireland ~ Lush landscapes. A pint of Guinness. And a touch of faery. How can I resist.
3. Norway ~ I admit, my roots call to me. I'd love to see the country that my great-grandparents came from.
4. Australia ~ The Outback. The Great Barrier Reef. *sigh* The pictures make me envious. A good friend of mine lives there, and I keep threatening to invade her. *g*
5. Alaska ~ NOT being a fan of the cold, you wouldn't think this would make my list. But it does. It just looks so beautiful up there.
6. Greece ~ Again with the history, and monuments. What can I say?
7. Italy ~ There's just something so romantic about it. Even to go there by yourself - which I fully intend on doing. Or maybe with a good friend.
8. Mexico ~ And here we're back to ruins, monuments, and pyramids. I'm fascinated with the Mayans and while we're talking about it...
9. Peru ~ For the Incas.
10. Germany ~ I think my roots call me here too. Because I have no reason, other than I really want to go.
And because suddenly the last three are difficult for me to pin down, I'm gonna go with 3 fictional places I'd LOVE to visit. If it were at all possible ;)
11. Hogwarts ~ I remember being bummed when I read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (why did they change the name for the US anyways *rolls eyes*) that I was past 11 and wouldn't be getting my letter asking me to attend.
12. Neverland ~ Being a kid at heart is something I think all of us could handle a little more of.
13. Middle Earth ~ Tolkien made it sound absolutely beautiful. Good and bad, sure, but still beautiful.
So there you have it. 13 places that I really want to visit.
See what others are blogging about at the Thursday Thirteen Website
My Photo of the Week
It made me smile. So I thought I'd share.
Stolen from Karen's blog.
NY Post: Rant

Apparently in response to the picture below, the NY Post had this cartoon in today's edition. I can safely say the clothes are not the best choice, however FAT?! WTF?

I'm appalled.
Shame on you.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Jessica Bird Book Order
1. Leaping Hearts
Devlin and A.J.
2. Heart of Gold
Nick and Carter
3. An Unforgettable Lady
John and Grace
4. An Irresistible Bachelor
Jack and Callie
5. Beauty and the Black Sheep - aka. The Rebel
Nick and Frankie
6. His Comfort and Joy - aka. The Player (20 December 2011)
Gray and Joy
7. From the First - aka. The Sinner (TBA)
Alex and Cassie
8. A Man in a Million
Spike and Madeline
9. The Billionaire Next Door
Sean and Lizzie
Please note: This page was written by me, so as always, please visit the author’s website for up-to-date, author-verified information as well as for information on books that have not yet been included to this list.
One Silent Night - Sherrilyn Kenyon
Stryker's the half Apollite son of Apollo, whom he's never been good enough for. His actions have caused, directly and indirectly, the death of everyone he's ever held close to his heart. So he thought...
Zephyra is Stryker's first wife. Married when they were just 14, and still human, he left her, and has thought her dead. Until she shows up to assassinate him some eleven thousand years later.
They strike a bargain that pulls them together for 2 weeks, and neither expects Stryker to remain living at the end of it. Because Zephyra's grudge and anger runs deep. Almost as deep as Stryker's love for her has remained.
Can these two work past their history to forge a new future?
I never particularly looked forward to this book, which is perhaps the reason I put it off so long. I don't like Stryker. He killed his son, Urian coldly. But apparently Ms. Kenyon believes that even the "bad" guys deserve a HEA. I've always liked that I could identify with the Apollites, that they weren't just purely evil. Having been cursed by Apollo for something most of them had no part in, I can understand their anger and their will to live. But Stryker is something different for me. While on one hand I can understand his motivations, on the other he's just not someone that I like. Which makes it difficult for me to want a HEA for him.
The romance in this story was well done. I felt the reasons that they had for their various feelings and thoughts, and thought the resolution to them was believable. However the romance in the story took a back seat to the world building.
And the world building is where I'm still kind of reeling. After spending 26 books with the rules set up one way, I read this book and several times throughout said "huh!?" and "WTF?!" in confusion.
Big changes happen with several characters. New information comes up about them that we've never heard before. That, I feel, there's never been a hint of before. And that makes it hard for me to swallow.
And then there's the time line. This supposedly takes place before the wedding in Ash's book. Yet it doesn't mesh completely well for me. Leaving me with more quesitons and confusion.
I feel like Ms. Kenyon keeps throwing more and more into some characters to make them bigger and badder than the one before them. Personally I miss the days when Ash was the biggest and the baddest. And then we have all the new characters. I feel like I need a flowchart of who's what, what they're capable of, and when they got these powers. Plus how they're connected, who they hate, why they hate them, and if they have weaknesses.
Overall, an important book in the world building for the Dark Hunter universe. This feels like a in between book before we start Jaden's series arc, which we're supposed to get next.
Next up: Shadow of the Moon in the Dead After Dark anthology. Which is Fury's story. I've always liked Fury, so I'm looking forward to finishing this short.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
2009 Oscar Nominations
Best Motion Picture
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Slumdog Millionaire
Achievement in Directing
David Fincher ~ The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Ron Howard ~ Frost/Nixon
Gus Van Sant ~ Milk
Stephen Daldry ~ The Reader
Danny Boyle ~ Slumdog Millionaire
Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role
Richard Jenkins ~ The Visitor
Frank Langella ~ Frost/Nixon
Sean Penn ~ Milk
Brad Pitt ~ The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Mickey Rourke ~ The Wrestler
Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role
Josh Brolin ~ Milk
Robert Downey Jr. ~ Tropic Thunder
Philip Seymour Hoffman ~ Doubt
Heath Ledger ~ The Dark Knight
Michael Shannon ~ Revolutionary Road
Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role
Anne Hathaway ~ Rachel Getting Married
Angelina Jolie ~ Changeling
Melissa Leo ~ Frozen River
Kate Winslet ~ The Reader
Meryl Streep ~ Doubt
Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role
Amy Adams ~ Doubt
Penelope Cruz ~ Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Viola Davis ~ Doubt
Taraji P. Henson ~ The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Marisa Tomei ~ The Wrestler
Best Animated Feature Film of the Year
Kung Fu Panda
For the full list head over to
I'm a little surprised to see that In Bruges didn't make it into the any of these categories. Actually it was only nominated for Best Original Screenplay.
I'm planning something for Oscars night. Watching with a friend for sure. Probably going to have some guest blog up on the fashions of the night, and winners of the various categories. Also may have some running banter going from our night with pictures/videos.
Who do you think deserves to win? Anyone you're pulling for despite all odds? And I keep seeing all this talk about Slumdog Millionaires. If someone could please explain the appeal to me, because I just don't get it.
The awards will be handed out on February 22nd at the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles.
And I just read that the new producers of the Oscars have decided to NOT unveil the names of presenters for Hollywood's Biggest Night until they walk onto the stage on February 22nd! Hoping to create a little suspense are we?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Thursday Thirteen Edition One
And I apologize for the lateness of this post. I really meant to have it out this morning.
1. Dark Desires After Dusk ~ Kresley Cole
~ Book 7 in the Immortals After Dark series
So I can pick up and read Kiss of a Demon King, which is Rydstrom's story. I've been waiting forever for his story!
2. Veil of Midnight ~ Lara Adrian
~ Book 5 in the Midnight Breeds series
I've heard really good things about this book, and am really looking forward to Andreas' story.
3. One Silent Night ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon
~ Book 25 in the Dark Hunters series
I've never been terribly interested in Stryker. But I've always enjoyed the Dark Hunters (and their various brethren, the Dream Hunters, Were Hunters etc). And I think I'm going to need this story in order to continue on in the world.
4. Dawnkeepers ~ Jessica Andersen
~ Book 2 in the Final Prophecy series
I seriously enjoy the mythology behind this series, which centers around the Mayan prophecy of the apocalypse, which is scheduled for December 21st 2012 . Really looking forward to seeing where she takes the characters now that we have the history and the coming together of the group.
5. If Angels Burn ~ Lynn Viehl
~ Book 1 in the Darkyn series
I've actually read this book once, but really want to continue the series and think that I need to re-read in order to refresh my memory.
6. Leaping Hearts ~ Jessica Bird
I've been hooked on the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by JR Ward, and ever since have been wanting to read the books she's written under Jessica Bird. This is the first one I've found.
These next ones are all recommendations that friends have been hounding me to read. LOL
7. Naked in Death ~ J.D. Robb
~ Book 1 In Death series
Yes. I've never read the In Death series. I keep hearing about it. I keep resisting it. I have this thing about wildly popular books. I just tend to hold off on them for quite a while. But my friend Kat has finally convinced me to start it.
8. Halfway to the Grave ~ Jeaniene Frost
~ Book 1 in the Night Huntress series
9. A Kiss of Shadows ~ Laurell K. Hamilton
~ Book 1 in the Meredith Gentry series
10. Daughter of the Blood ~ Anne Bishop
~ Book 1 in the Black Jewels series
11. Black Ice ~ Anne Stuart
~ Book 1 in the Ice series
12. Deal Breaker ~ Harlan Coben
~ Book 1 in the Myron Bolitar series
My friend Becky keeps talking about Wyn. A lot. I need to start this series.
13. Demon Angel ~ Meljean Brook
~ Book 2 in the Guardians series
I'm going to cheat on this one. I need to read the short in Hot Spell Anthology, called Falling for Anthony which is actually the 1st book in the Guardians series, also. So I'm combining those into one for number 13 ;)
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others' comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
5 Questions
1. If you could only listen to one song, over and over, for the rest of your life, what song would you choose?
One song?! OMG. That's so incredibly hard for me. It would be easier to pick one artist. One song, I think I'll take Razorblade Kiss by H.I.M (listen to it here). I think this has to be my favorite of theirs. And they would be the one band I would listen to for the rest of my life if the option came up.
2. What's the most embarrassing clothing/fashion choice you've ever worn and thought was cool?
Um. A black and pink polka-dotted dress to my cousin's wedding. In my defense I didn't pick it out! And I was told it looked good on me....which I later learned for the lie it was when I saw the pictures.
3. What did you want to be when you "grew up"?
For the longest time I wanted to be an archaeologist. Learning about history is actually still one of my passions. I love the myths, and cultures that lived so long ago. I think a big part of my desire for this though was the Indiana Jones movies. Who can resist Harrison Ford in that hat, with the bullwhip?? *g*
4. You're strapped for cash, can't pay the bills and have only two options: Pose for Penthouse or run naked down your town's main street. Which do you choose?
Wow. I am definitely not running naked down my town's main street. So I guess that leaves Penthouse. You may think this is an odd choice, but I think it's the sanest one. I mean in my town, of about 5,000 people, running down the main street I am bound to be seen by everyone I know. But posing for Penthouse? Probably not. And even if someone did know me, most likely they wouldn't talk to me about it.
5. What's one goal you want to achieve in your lifetime?
I want to finish my work in progress, and have it published. I never knew that I had to write. But now that I've started, I can't imagine not writing. And I desperately want to share the story with others.
Want to be part of the interview fun? Follow these instructions:
1. Leave me a comment involving the words, “Interview me.” (I’m going to limit it to four people, for my sanity’s sake)
2. Be sure to include your email address, because I will respond by emailing you five questions. (I get to write the questions.) Be sure to break up the address to prevent spammers from getting it!
3. You will update your blog with the questions and your answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will get to ask them five questions.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Moral Dilemma - Would You Go To The Police
So that's the issue. And it's not an easy one. No matter where you fall on the subject I'm sure you can see the other side.You and your husband waited years before your first child came along. You went through everything in order to try to conceive.
Finally, the day comes when you realise that you’re pregnant, and you end up giving birth to a healthy baby girl.
Your baby girl is the apple of your eye, and you’d do just about anything for her.
When she’s eighteen, she gets involved with a guy who is not good for her. He doesn’t beat her or anything, but he’s a bit of a bum, and he deals drugs. She moves out, and you don’t see her for a while.
One day you see on the news that her boyfriend has been found murdered, with his head decapitated. Your daughter explains to you that on the night in question, she was at home on her own watching TV and she’s afraid that the cops wont believe her, so she asks you to provide an alibi for her, if she needs it, which you readily do because you know that whatever’s happened to her boyfriend, she had nothing to do with it.
She’s taken in for questioning, and tells the cops that she was with you on the night that her boyfriend was murdered. The cops release her, and they continue with the investigation.
One day, you’re collecting washing from her room, when you find evidence that your daughter was the person who killed her boyfriend.
What do you do? Do you go the cops and tell them that your daughter is the murderer, or do you protect your daughter, because after all, her boyfriend was scum, and it was only a matter of time before somebody killed him?
One the one hand I'd love to be able to say "Yes. I would call the police." Because without justice, without honesty, without people doing the right thing, I think our society as a whole weakens. After all as this famous quote says "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."* So, if I were to allow my child, whom I am supposed to be (no matter her age) teaching right from wrong, and raising to be a productive, healthy member of society - if I were to allow her to get away with murder, am I not doing my part to allow evil to triumph?
I mean, obviously, I would believe that she had a good reason for doing what she did, but shouldn't I let the courts sort that out? Prove that it was self defense or something? That she had no choice? Who am I to make that decision? It would be just as bad as a me being a personal judge, jury and executioner. Only in reverse. It's not my decision to make in this society.
But now we come to the heart of the matter. It's my daughter. My child. Flesh of my flesh. My world and heart. How could I turn her in? While my mind says one thing, my heart says another. And it's the feelings that are so often hard to override in these situations. I don't know if I'd go so far as to say that the boyfriend was scum and it was only a matter of time (as stated above in the dilemma) but, I do know that there is nothing more important to me than family.
If you can't lean on your family, then who can you lean on. I know this is an extreme circumstance, but there isn't a lot I wouldn't do for my family. And I'll take it one step further, and say there isn't a lot I wouldn't do for my very close friends, who are like family to me.
So, where do I fall on this issue? I don't know. *shrugs* I honestly can't say. I can argue with myself back and forth on it, thinking I fall on one side, and ending up on the other. I've been thinking about this since the dilemma was posted yesterday. And I'll probably continue thinking on it for a while to come.
But where do you stand on it? Would you turn your daughter in? Why or why not? What WOULD you do?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Poem: Mirror
everytime I look at your eyes, I see your fears you look as if you're so near to tears
your face is worn from pain and stress your eyes are red and dry i see that many thoughts are in press you've just finished with a good cry you look like you want out you want to go to him yet you know it's not the right route your light has gone dim your face tells me all i need to know and as i notice forming tears i see, perhaps, time's the only cure
now i see, i'm looking back at me.
All rights reserved.
Review: Biting Nixie - Mary Hughes
Nixie is a punk musician that is anti-convention. So much so that she thinks buying insurance is the last step before death. When she's volunteered to run the towns first fund raising event (to prevent annexation by Chicago - and worse), Nixie's out of her element. And when she finds out it's to pay for a big-time lawyer, who just happens to look like sex-on-a-stick, she's beyond annoyed.
Julian Emerson is the big-time lawyer. He's come to defend the town against the shady group of suits that want to annex it, and an even shadier group of vampires. Julian learned centuries ago to remain in control, and stay on the straight and narrow. But Nixie threatens that control, while tempting him to new heights.
Two opposites are what Nixie and Julian are. Nixie doesn't understand why Julian doesn't get her, and Julian wishes Nixie would speak a known language. Even if they can foil the shady vampire's plan, can they manage to forge a future together?
This is Ms. Hughes first novel, but it doesn't show. The writing is tight, and the story is entertaining. Watching Nixie take responsibility, fighting it all the way, and Julian slowing coming undone was a pure joy. The characters are deep and complex, with relationships that go beyond just each other. The connections they have to other people and vampires made it seem like I could run into Nixie or Julian at the local bar, or city hall.
The one thing that somewhat pulled me out of the story is Nixie's language. I admit I'm not up on all the current slang, and sometimes I had a hard time figuring what she was saying. I felt a bit like Julian in the beginning. Luckily it did start to make sense towards the end, and context helped a lot.
This is not my normal book by any means. Not something I'd normally pick up. For all the drama, it's more light-hearted than most, retaining it's fun. But I'm glad I did. As this is A Biting Love Novel, I'm assuming we can expect more from Ms. Hughes with these vampires, and I look forward to reading more about some of the secondary characters that we meet - especially Logan.
Grade: B+
Biting Nixie is available from Samhain Publishing and you can purchase it here.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Free Kindle Book: Long Hard Ride - Lorelei James
I was looking at buying this book, and have now definitely downloaded it to read!!

One lucky woman-three sexy cowboys...she's in for the ride of her life! Channing Kinkaid itches for a change; a wild western adventure with an untamed man. Determined to shed her inhibitions and embrace the steamier, seamier side of life, she sets her sights on hooking up with a real chaps-and-spurs-wearing cowboy. Enter Colby McKay -- bull rider, saddle bronc buster and calf roper. From the moment he sets lust-filled eyes on the sweet and fiery Channing, he knows he's found the woman who-s up to the challenge of cutting loose. What rough and rowdy cowboy could resist a no-holds-barred sexual romp with a sassy young thing starring as his personal buckle bunny?
Intrigued by Channing's bold proposition of horsing around on the road, Colby impulsively sweetens the deal; sexual escapades not only in his bed, but in the bedrolls of his rodeo traveling partners, Trevor and Edgard.
Although Channing's secretly longed to be the sole focus of more than one man's passions, Colby's demand for complete submission behind closed doors will test her willful nature.
Can Channing give up total control? Especially when not all is as it seems with the sexy trio? Or will the cowboys have to break out the bullropes and piggin' string to break in this headstrong filly?
Warning: This title contains the following: lots of explicit sex, going strong long after the cows come home, graphic language that'd make your mama blush, light bondage with bullropes, menage-a-trois, and -- yee-haw! -- hot nekkid cowboy man-love.Clue (1985)
It's got a great cast including Tim Curry (who I absolutely love), Christopher Lloyd, and Madeline Khan to name a few.
Six people are invited to a strange house, where they're greeted by the butler Wadsworth (Curry), and then are expected to find out who done it when one of the guests turn up dead.
I have to say Tim Curry makes this movie. It was hilarious watching the guests run around trying to figure out the murder mystery - that we all love doing with the board game Clue.
And the three endings to finish out the movie are absolutely awesome.
I'm glad I watched it, and now will be adding it to my To Be Bought list.
Review: Unlaced - Controlled Response - Joey W. Hill
I was going to wait until I'd read the whole anthology and do a review here, but after finishing Controlled Response by Joey W. Hill, I just had to talk about it right away.
When Lucas walks into a secluded clearing for a rest with his bike, he doesn't expect to find a half naked woman leaning back on Harley pleasuring herself. Wearing only a corset and thin silk panties. His spontaneous decision to become part of her fantasy ends with both of them thinking they'll never see each other again. But fate has a different idea in mind, and when Cassandra walks in to K&A for a negotiation, she'll soon find that much more than a business deal is being worked out.
This short is one of the best I've read in a long time. Often I'm left wondering why the hero and heroine fell in love after a novella, but that's not the case here. Ms. Hill does a wonderful job of giving depth to the characters, and the reasons for their actions. Cassandra had deep motivations for the way she behaved, and the way she dressed, which were all shown wonderfully. Lucas had a single-minded determinedness that was incredibly hot, along with a innate goodness that pulled at my heart. I loved him, not only because he knew when to push, but because he knew when to lay off as well.
Then there was the deep secondary characters. All extremely well fleshed out, but it was the K&A men that had me longing for their HEA's. One of them already got theirs, and I rushed out to purchase Behind the Mask which has Matt's story in it. I can't wait to see who's going to match Peter, Jon and Ben.
On top of all that, this story was incredibly hot. It practically sizzled in my hands.
This is the first story I've read by Ms. Hill, but it definitely won't be the last. I'll definitely be picking up her backlist, and eagerly anticipating her next novel.
Grade: A-
Unlaced is available from Berkley can be purchased here and here in ebook.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Karen Marie Moning Book Order
* "Into the Dreaming" in the Tapestry anthology
Aedan and Jane
1. Beyond the Highland Mist
Hawk and Adrienne
2. To Tame a Highland Warrior
Gavrael and Jillian
3. The Highlander's Touch
Circenn and Lisa
4. Kiss of the Highlander
Drustan and Gwen
5. The Dark Highlander
Dageus and Chloe
6. The Immortal Highlander
Adam and Gabrielle
7. Spell of the Highlander
Cian and Jesse
Fever World
1. Darkfever
2. Bloodfever
3. Faefever
4. Dreamfever
5. Shadowfever
Dani O'Malley
6. Iced
7. Burned (22 July 2014)
8. Flayed (TBA)
9. [Untitled] (TBA)
10. [Untitled] (TBA)
Please note: This page was written by me, so as always, please visit the author’s website for up-to-date, author-verified information as well as for information on books that have not yet been included to this list.
New Author Challenge
- Laurell K. Hamilton
- Brent Weeks
- Anne Bishop
- Rob Thurman
- Jeaniene Frost
- Alexis Morgan
- Jacqueline Carey
- Julia Quinn
- Sabrina Jeffries
- Joanna Bourne
- Gena Showalter
- P.C. Cast
- Janet Evanovich
- Anne Stuart
- Emma Holly
- Angela Knight
- Virginia Kantra
- Larissa Ione
- Harlan Coben
- Meljean Brook
- C.L. Wilson
- Maria V. Snyder
- Suzanne Enoch
- Eloisa James
- Lynn Viehl
- Eve Silver
- Cheyenne McCray
- Katie Macalister
- Neil Gaiman
- Maya Banks
- Jaci Burton
- Stephani Hecht
- Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Nalini Singh Book Order
Psy-Changeling Series
* "Beat of Temptation" in An Enchanted Season anthology
Nate and Tamsyn
Deleted Scene 1
Deleted Scene 2
* "Whisper of Sin" in Burning Up anthology
Emmett and Ria
1. Slave to Sensation
Lucas and Sascha
"The Shower" Free short
"The Cannibal Princess" Free short
2. Visions of Heat
Vaughn and Faith
3. Caressed by Ice
Judd and Brenna
"Miss Leozandra's" Deleted scene
* "Stroke of Enticement" in The Magical Christmas Cat anthology
Zach and Annie
4. Mine to Possess
Clay and Talin
Read my review of Mine To Possess Here
"A Conversation" Free short
5. Hostage to Pleasure
Dorian and Ashaya
"A Gift for Kit" Free short
6. Branded by Fire
Mercy and Riley
"The Party" Deleted scene
7. Blaze of Memory
Dev and Katya
*Christmas in the Kitchen Free short
8. Bonds of Justice
Max and Sophia
* "Star Kissed" Free short
9. Play of Passion
Indigo and Drew
* "Wolf School" Free short
10. Kiss of Snow
Hawke and Sienna
* "Brenna and Judd" Deleted scene
* "Walker and Laura" Deleted scene
* "Sienna ambushed by Drew" Deleted scene
* "Marlee talking to Walker" Deleted scene
* "Indigo and Sienna in conversation" Deleted scene
* "About the empath" Deleted scene
* "Judd about Alice" Deleted scene
11. Tangle of Need
Riaz and Adria
* Mercy and Riley's News Deleted scene
* Hawke and Sienna Deleted scene
* Stalking Hawke Free Short
12. Heart of Obsidian
* Climbing Trees Deleted scene
* Award Ceremony Deleted scene
13. Shield of Winter (3 June 2014)
Vasic and Ivy Jane
Guild Hunters Series
* "Angels' Judgment" in the Must Love Hell Hounds anthology
Deacon and Sara
* Angel's Pawn (ebook)
Read my review here
1. Angels' Blood
Read my review here
2. Archangel's Kiss
Read my review here
3. Archangel's Consort
4. Archangel's Blade
Dmitri and Honori
* "Angel's Wolf" in Angels of Darkness
* "Angel's Dance" in Angels' Flight
Galen and Jessamy
Also includes: "Angel's Pawn", "Angels' Judgment", and "Angel's Wolf"
5. Archangel's Storm
Jason and Mahiya
6. Archangel's Legion
Raphael and Elena
Please note: This page was written by me, so as always, please visit the author’s website for up-to-date, author-verified information as well as for information on books that have not yet been included to this list.
Also, please note that Nalini Singh has a free additional scene that she includes in each newsletter that allows us to catch up with everyday life of the characters we love - sign up at her website.
J.R. Ward Book Order
Black Dagger Brotherhood Series
1. Dark Lover
Wrath and Beth
2. Lover Eternal
Rhage and Mary
3. Lover Awakened
Zsadist and Bella
4. Lover Revealed
Butch and Marissa
5. Lover Unbound
Vishous and Jane
6. Lover Enshrined
Phury and Cormia
7. Lover Avenged
Rehvenge and Ehlena
8. Lover Mine
John Matthew and Xhex
9. Lover Unleashed
Manny and Payne
10. Lover Reborn
Tohrment and No'One
11. Lover Reborn
Qhuinn and Blaylock
12. The King (25 March 2014)
Wrath and Beth
Fallen Angels Series
1. Covet
Vincent Di Pietro and Marie-Terese
2. Crave
Isaac Roth and Grier Childe
3. Envy
Thomas DelVecchio Jr. and Sophia Reilly
4. Rapture
Matthias and Mels Carmichael
5. Possession
Duke Phillips and Cait Douglass
6. Immortal (Fall 2014)
1. "Story of Son" in Dead after Dark anthology
Michael and Claire
2. The Black Dagger Brotherhood: An Insider's Guide (includes the short "Father Mine")
Please note: This page was written by me, so as always, please visit the author’s website for up-to-date, author-verified information as well as for information on books that have not yet been included to this list.
Lynn Kurland Book Order
DePiaget / MacLeod / McKinnion / Smith Families Series
*Note* This is my, somewhat, unorthodox reading order. With all the time travel going on, it's a bit hard to nail down a truly chronological reading order. Some stories deal solely in medieval England (or Scotland), but many of them deal in the present as well as medieval times. I've done my best to follow both the medieval and present timelines and tried to ensure that you read the story about the couple prior to learning about their HEA. This is a different reading order than given on Lynn Kurland's website. Also, while I am a big proponent of reading in order, most of these stories stand well on their own
1. Another Chance to Dream
Rhys de Piaget and Gwennelyn of Segrave
2. If I Had You
Robin de Piaget and Anne of Fenwyck
3. "The Three Wise Ghosts" in the Christmas Spirits anthology or Love Came Just in Time anthology
Gideon de Piaget and Megan MacLeod McKinnion
4. Stardust of Yesterday
Kendrick de Piaget and Genevieve Buchanan
5. A Dance Through Time
James MacLeod and Elizabeth Smith
6. The Very Thought of You
Alexander Smith and Margaret of Falconberg
7. "And the Groom Wore Tulle" in the Veils of Time anthology or Love Came Just in Time anthology
Ian MacLeod and Jane Fergusson
8. "The Traveller" also in the A Knight's Vow anthology
William de Piaget and Julianna Nelson
9. My Heart Stood Still
Thomas MacLeod McKinnion and Iolanthe MacLeod
10. A Garden in the Rain
Patrick MacLeod and Madelyn Phillips
11. Dreams of Stardust
Jake Kilchurn and Amanda de Piaget
12. Much Ado in the Moonlight
Connor MacDougal and Victoria MacLeod McKinnion
13. When I Fall in Love
Nicholas de Piaget and Jennifer MacLeod McKinnion
14. "The Gift of Christmas Past" in The Christmas Cat anthology or Love Came Just in Time anthology
Miles de Piaget and Abigail Garrett
15. With Every Breath
Robert Cameron and Sunny Phillips
16. This is All I Ask
Christopher of Blackmour and Gillian of Werewick
17. From This Moment On
Colin of Berkhamshire and Alienore
18. "To Kiss in the Shadows" also in the Tapestry anthology
Jason de Piaget and Lianna of Grasleigh
19. Till There Was You
Zachary Smith and Mary de Piaget
20. The More I See You
Richard of Burwyck-on-the-Sea and Jessica Blakely
21. One Enchanted Evening
Montgomery de Piaget and Pippa Alexander
22. One Magic Moment
John de Piaget and Tess Alexander
23. All For You
Stephen de Piaget and Peaches Alexander
24. Roses in the Moonlight
Derrick Cameron and Samantha Drummond
25. Dreams of Lilacs
Isabelle de Piaget and Gervase de Seger
26. Stars in Your Eyes
Imogen Maxwell and Phillip de Piaget
27. Ever My Love
Emma Baxter and Nathaniel MacLeod
28. A Lovely Day Tomorrow
Olivia Drummond and Jackson Kilchurn
1. "The Icing on the Cake" in the Opposites Attract anthology or Love Came Just in Time anthology
Samuel and Sydney
Nine Kingdoms Series
* "A Whisper of Spring" in The Queen in Winter anthology
Symon and Iolaire
* "The Tale of the Two Swords" in To Weave a Web of Magic anthology
Mehar and Gilraehen
Arc 1 Miach and Morgan
1. Star of the Morning
2. The Mage's Daughter
3. Princess of the Sword
Arc 2 Ruith and Sarah
4. A Tapestry of Spells
5. Spellweaver
6. A Gift of Magic
Arc 3 Rùnach and Aisling
7. Dreamspinner
8. River of Dreams
9. Dreamer's Daughter
Arc 4 Acair and Léirsinn
10. The White Spell
11. The Dreamer's Song
12. The Prince of Souls
1. A Time for Love
Contains Another Chance to Dream and If I Had You
Please note: This page was written by me, so as always, please visit the author’s website for up-to-date, author-verified information as well as for information on books that have not yet been included to this list.